Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Summer '09

I haven't written in ages. I contemplated deleting this account, but decided to keep it in case a moment of divine inspiration strikes. This isn't it. But please, don't let that deter you from reading.

I am currently "working" at my internship in ONU's Office of Communication and Marketing. Writing feature stories has been the bulk of my responsibility. I've interviewed a few people, crafted several press releases, delivered many things and photographed various camps. I am learning that summer at a university is as easy as you think it would be.

Not being an English or writing major, I was a little intimidated to be working alongside the other interns who are in creative writing, journalism and literature. But I know that I am a decent writer and I enjoy doing it, so I take every story that comes my way and give it my best shot. Here are two features that have gone up on ONU's Web site:
Learning Law in London
Saving the Whales

As for my future...I am very excited to see what plays out. I am planning on studying abroad in Spain come February 2010-May 2010 and I would like to take a few weeks after classes to tour other parts of Europe. Hopefully a few friends will fly over to meet me and we can backpack around and stay in hostels (I refuse to see the movie Hostel).

I also need another public relations internship, hopefully one that incorporates the Spanish skills that I will obtain while studying abroad. I am researching non-profit organizations around Washington D.C. because I have guaranteed housing in that area. And since most internships seem to be unpaid...I need to choose one where I can get free housing. And I will not be living at home again next summer. Having four teenage kids in a small house is not my idea of fun.

1 comment:

Dr. Alisa Agozzino said...

Glad to see you decided not to delete your account!