Monday, November 10, 2008

Wonder Woman Week 10

I hate that people can't be trusted, especially on the internet. Nobody likes being fooled. Yet another story of a lying blogger/Web site recently ocurred.
On the site, fans have been eagerly awaiting the announcement of who will play Wonder Woman in the upcoming film adaptation.

In the article by Matt McDaniel that I read on Yahoo, it said, "The site appeared with an image of the Wonder Woman logo over an American flag with the words "The Truth Will Be Revealed!" Every day they would reveal a little more of the picture of the actress until finally the picture was revealed and the actress was Megan Fox, dressed in Wonder Woman garb. Megan Fox fans were ecstatic! As were fans of the comic Wonder Woman--they were excited that apparently a cast had been chosen and filming was soon taking place.

However, it was all a hoax. Other Web sites had started stating that Fox was the lead, but after some bloggers' investigation, Warner Bros. was contacted and they said that the site was "complete B.S." What a downfall. The site built up hype for the revealment of Wonder Woman, and it wasn't true it all.

How can any Web sites information be fully trusted? The creators of disgust me. Why put useless, false information out there that people latch on to? This story is another example proving that before trusting online information, people need to do their own research. I know I will in the future.

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