Saturday, September 20, 2008

I couldn't find any herbs at the festival...

Today was the day of Ada's noblest community effort-the harvest and herb festival. It was a beautifully sunny day for the little street affair. It amazed me how many people came out to enjoy the cotton candy, sugar-glazed almonds, and craft tents. The store owners were in shock at the amount of customers. I wandered around from booth to booth with no intention of purchasing a thing. I simply enjoy observing people and feeling the sense of community when college students and townies combine.

Maybe I have a connection with the harvest and herb festival because it was one of my first experiences with Ada. I was a mere four or five years old when my parents took me to a festival in a little town the next county over. I remember the day well because it was slightly traumatic. Because it was a festival, my parents allowed me to get a Mountain Dew (i was stoked). My Dad opened the can and handed it to me. For some crazy reason, a bee flew in the little hole and I didn't see it. I lifted the can to my lips to take a drink and instead of sugary liquid, i got a painful beesting on my lip. It was shocking for a four year old. I honestly thought the liquid had electrocuted or burned me. Once my parents realized what happened, they attempted to calm me down.

When I think about it, it's interesting that I had a connection to Ada years before I would ever consider living here. I hope that is a good thing, although I wouldn't consider a bee sting a welcoming gesture...

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