Monday, October 13, 2008

Txt b4 Tlk Week 6

Cell phone users have finally done it! We have exceeded the limit of texting more than we talk.

I'm due for a phone upgrade and I've been keeping my eye open for what I like. There are so many styles out there, it's all about finding the most functional style for me...and it has to be pretty too. I think I've settled for the 'text fiend' genre in the cell phone realm. I want a phone that has a full keyboard to make texting significantly faster. I've found that my cell phone standards are similar for many people.

Many phones these days are hardly used for their original purpose. Since the phenomena of texting has been revealed, it has taken over. Through, I found an article on cnet news that claims Americans text more than they talk. The article says, "For the second quarter of 2008, U.S. mobile subscribers sent and received on average 357 text messages per month, compared with making and receiving 204 phone calls a month, according to Nielsen." These 2008 texting statistics exceed the same statistics from 2006 by 450%. Marguerite Reardon, the writer of the article, also says, "On average, American teens send and receive 1,742 text messages a month." I know that I send more than that. I was talking with some friends the other day about our monthly amount of texts, and a few of them said they normally send and receive at least 10,000 a month! I don't have the time for that amount of texting, but apparently some people do.

Texting can simply be more convenient than calling, and noone can deny the fun factor of intimate, constant contact with people. I even got my mom hooked on it this summer. Whenever I'm shopping by myself and am unsure of an outfit, i'll snap a picture, send it to her, and receive her opinion in a few minutes. Definitely useful.
This article proves another way that social media is rising to replace traditional actions. With a 450% texting increase in only two years, new forms of communication are rising faster than we can imagine!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think the rise of texting is a bad thing.
Why are we texting instead of talking? It's more work to find all those keys and keep responding. And that annoying notification sound...ugh.
But seriously, is talking actually too much work for people? This goes hand-in-hand with the article we read for our quiz. People have so many options and so little time that short blurbs are what we are left with. It's great for keeping up with what ever the topic of the day is, but I think this communication outlet is not the best for fostering relationships.
If you are sending and receiving 10,000 texts a month I'm not sure you could carry on a conversation with a person face-to-face anymore! That's pathetic. Those are the people on campus who are texting while riding a bike with a 50 pound book bag and deciding to hit me instead of the geese! Put the phone down please!